
TOP 5: Best Asian Romantic Movies.

I've been a fan of asian movies especial those from Korea. If u haven't seen some them yet, u might want to watch it. Movies included in my list come from korea & thailand. Hope you will enjoy,  If you have any movie suggestions, I'll be glad to know as well.

The heart-warming romance story between the police officer Kyungjin and Myungwoo.Even though he has passed away.  When Kyungjin met with Myungwoo accidentally in a crime, Kyungjin got into a  big gun fight between rival drug dealers. Myungwoo tried to help her but then something happened that forces them stayed together all day long. One day, when Kyungjin was chasing a notorious criminal, Myungwoo helped her again, not knowing that what would happen that day changed their relationship forever.


Hanna  is a very big size  girl with a warm heart. She also possesses an unbelievable voice and wants to become a pop-singer, but due to her extra-large appearance, can only work as a faceless singer in the backstage. She provides the vocals for a popular singer named Amy a beautiful young lady that can't carry a note to save her life, cause she is a very beautiful slim girl but she cant sing.Thanks to a surgery hanna changes the whole plot of this awesome movie.

After being dumped by her boyfriend just before their 100 day anniversary,  A student named HaYoung  meets a college guy named HyungJoon when she kicks a can that accidentally hits him in the face and causes him to scratch his Lexus. He demands she pay him $3000 on the spot. She cant afford that so they make a deal contract against her will and start this funny movie full of comedy and some tears.

 This movie portrays a young Thai man and a thai woman who meet by coincidence while on vacation in South Korea. They decide to tour Korea together while keeping their names secret from each other, making this fun story very original and like no other. The movie was filmed in Korea and includes various locations that have appeared in Korean dramas that were broadcast in Thailand.

 The story depicts love in the eye of young people  who first experience it and how it affects
their lives, their inspirations, hopes and dreams. Nam is a shy girl who is secretly attracted to P'Shone her senior at school. but she feels that Shone is too good-looking and popular for her, she start a big adventure with her best friends to become a better girl only because of him, but she would be able to confess her crush on him? A thai romantic comedy film starring Mario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok.

Hope you like this Top 5 and enjoy the movies as much as we did. Everyone is allowed to laugh and cry, while watching them :) We miss a lot of other great asian movies but theres more ''Top 5'' to come, feel free to make some suggestions on the coments, thanks.

El Que Quiera Ser Amado, Que Ame.

La vida me ha enseñado:
que la gente es amable, si yo soy amable;
que las personas están tristes, si estoy triste;
que todos me quieren, si yo los quiero;
que todos son malos, si yo los odio;
que hay caras sonrientes, si les sonrío;
que hay caras amargas, si estoy amargado;
que el mundo está feliz, si yo soy feliz;

Que la gente es enojona, si yo soy enojón;
que las personas son agradecidas, si yo soy agradecido.
La vida es como un espejo:
Si sonrío, el espejo me devuelve la sonrisa.
La actitud que tome frente a la vida, es la misma que la vida tomará ante mí.
"El que quiera ser amado, que ame".



"Yo solía pensar que era la persona más extraña en el mundo, pero luego pensé, hay mucha gente así en el mundo, tiene que haber alguien como yo, que se sienta bizarra y dañada de la misma forma en que yo me siento.

Me la imagino, e imagino que ella también debe estar por ahí pensando en mí. Bueno, yo espero que si tú estás por ahí y lees esto sepas que, sí, es verdad, yo estoy aquí, soy tan extraña como tú."

— Frida Kahlo

TOP 5: The Best Zombie Games.

Zombies have been a staple of PC and Console games for years-
they make great simple enemies. In fact, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a fantasy or sci-fi game that didn't have zombies in some capacity. But that doesn't necessarily the games have been about zombies, or had them as many more then gimmicky low-level cannon fodder.These are the best games that are about zombies, featuring zombies doing the things that they do best- mainly, shuffle around, moan, and bite you to death.

 the player plays as a zombie,and the primary goal is therefore to kill humans and devour their brains. Eating brains gives back a certain amount of lost health to the player as wellas converting those humans into zombies, causing them to fight alongside the player. The player also has the option of beating an enemy to death with melee strikes to transform them into zombies.


Get into character by choosing oneof four different personalities to enjoy your stay on Dead Island with; from one-hit-wonder rap star Sam B through to Purna, the kick-ass former cop from Oz, there's someone for everyone to customise as they creep, fight and flee through the game Being tracked down by the undead? Wielding anything that comes to hand to beat them off? And running away in blind terror when all your options run out? No, it's not a package holiday to Magaluf but Dead, a vacation to a luxury island resort gone horribly wrong as zombies run amok, all hellbent on turning you into finger food.


 This game is notable for the hundreds of weapons that the player can find in the mall and use against the zombies. There are over 250 items that can be used as weapons, ranging from powerful to near-useless. Weapons will break down or run out of ammunition with use, and will break or be discarded (some of which break into usable pieces). Others can be changed by the environment, such as frying pans, which can be heated on a stove to both increase damage and gain access to a special move. Large items, such as benches or cash registers, can be used, but are not stored in the player's inventory and are dropped if they pick up or switch to another item.


Pennsylvania suffers an outbreak of "Green Flu"; a highly contagious virus causing extreme aggression, mutation to the body cells, and loss of higher brain functions. Two weeks after the first infection four immune survivors—Bill, a Vietnam veteran; Zoeya college student; Louis, an IT analyst, and Francis, an outlaw biker—make their way through the city of Fairfield, only to discover that the virus is creating more dangerous mutations. After narrowly avoiding  these new infected, along with hordes of others, the survivors are alerted to the presence of an evacuation point at the nearby Mercy Hospital roof by a passing helicopter. Fighting their way through the city's streets,  subway and sewers, they are rescued from the hospital's roof by the pilot only to discover he is infected.


The game follows R.E.'s Jill Valentine trying to escape the zombie infected Raccoon City while being stalked by the Umbrella Super Bio Weapon, Nemesis. Taking place once  again in the zombie infested town of Raccoon City, players take control as Jill as she tries to escape the oncoming hordes of undead monsters. The clasic must-play survival-horror game begins one day before the events of RE 2,  eventually surpassing them and extending into the day after.

zombies ate my neighbors.

  Who doesnt remember this? a top-down action game where you choose one of two different characters, and take on a variety of monsters in over 55 levels. The monsters in the game are based on horror movies made in the 1950s and modern titles such as Friday the 13th and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and its your mission to rescue as many neighbors as you can before the beastly hordes find them. Youre armed with a diverse arsenal of weapons, including silverware,  crucifixes, bazookas, squirt guns, and more. You can also acquire Pandoras Box, which clears the screen of all enemies.

Can you guess who are these famous zombie girls?

Hollywood Girls stars turned into sexy zombies, recognize them.

See more pictures...

Believe It Or Not, These Celebs Are The Same Age.


Top 5 Horror Movies Based on Horrifyingly True Stories.

What is it about seeing the words "based on a true story" flash across a movie screen that sends an extra shiver down your spine? Even knowing that any "true story" used in a scary movie has been exaggerated and embellished within an inch of its life doesn't take away from the terror we feel: Omg, this actually happened to somebody! This could actually happen to me!

But you know what's really freaky? Sometimes one incredibly disturbing real-life person or event can spawn several different horror flicks. Yikes! How messed-up is that? And just wait til you find out which of your favorite frightening films are based on the same "true" story.

 5. The Hills Have Eyes:
Based on the on the 15th century Scottish legend of Alexander "Sawney" Bean, the supposed leader of a 40-person clan that lived in caves and killed/ate over 1,000 people over 25 years. (Most historians think the story is a load of malarkey. Oh wait, that's Irish, not Scottish. Anyway.)

 4. The Serpent And The Rainbow:
(This one's for all you Walking Dead junkies.) Based on a book by a scientist (Canadian Wade Davis) about the practice of "zombification" in Haiti involving a toxic powder which could place victims into a "death-like" state, only to be revived/controlled by evil zombie-masters.

3. The Amityville Horror: 
 Based on a book by George and Kathy Lutz about their supposed real-life experience living in a house that was so freaking haunted they ran screaming after only 4 weeks. (Lots of people say the Lutzes made it all up. But considering there was a mass murder at the house before they moved in, who knows?)

2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974): Who can forget Leatherface and his cannibal kin? DAMN that movie scared the crap out of me. Anyway, Ed Gein's skin-wearing ways inspired this one, too. (As well as Hannibal Lecter, yes, in case you were were wondering.)

1. Psycho:
Everybody knows the terrible tale of cross-dressing, knife-wielding mama's boy Norman Bates -- but not everybody knows the character was based on Ed Gein of Wisconsin, who was arrested in 1957 for committing two murders and "digging up the corpses of countless other women who reminded him of his dead mother," which he then skinned to make everything from lamp shades to socks to a full-body "woman suit" in hopes of becoming a woman. Gein ended up dying in a mental institution (gee, ya think?!).wondering.)

I Miss You.

...Y como en otros años lágrimas brotan de mis ojos, cuando recuerdo los días del pasado donde tu sonrisa y mi alma solitaria alimentaban con deseos el profundo anhelo de querernos juntos.

Cuando a tu lado imaginé mis días, mis mañanas, un lugar en primera fila para ver aquél sol entrar por la ventana rozando cada parte de tu cuerpo desde tus delgados cabellos hasta la punta fina de tus pies.

Me soñé tantas noches, hice de mi vida tantas vidas como un libro en borrador donde incluía tu nombre en cada renglón de mi historia. Te quise en mis horas y mis recuerdos ¡qué horror y qué tristeza! saber que lo que nada fue, imposible volverá a ser.

Y es así como te odio y te amo, porque aunque han pasado años, lo sé… aún no te olvido

Dont Worry, Be Happy.

“Por si sirve de algo: nunca es demasiado tarde o en mi caso, demasiado pronto para ser quien quieras ser. No hay límite de tiempo, detente cuando quieras.

Puedes cambiar o permanecer igual, no hay reglas en esta cosa. Podemos hacer lo mejor o lo peor de ella. Espero que obtengas lo mejor de ella. Y espero que veas cosas que te sobresalten.

Espero que sientas cosas que nunca habías sentido antes. Espero que conozcas gente con un punto de vista diferente. Espero que vivas una vida de la que te sientas orgulloso.

Y si encuentras que no lo estas, espero que tengas el valor de empezar de nuevo. ”

— Del libro: El Curioso Caso de Benjamín Botón

Be Yourself.

“Es mucho más fácil no saber las cosas algunas veces. Las cosas cambian. Los amigos se van. Y la vida no se detiene por nadie. Quería reírme. O quizás enojarme. O quizás sentir indiferencia por lo extraño que todos eran, especialmente yo.

Creo que la idea es que cada persona tiene que vivir su propia vida y después decidir compartirla con otras personas. No puedes sentarte ahí y poner la vida de todos por encima de la tuya y creer que eso cuenta como amor. No puedes. Tienes que hacer cosas. Voy a hacer lo que quiera hacer. Voy a ser quien realmente soy. Y voy a saber quién es ese.

Y todos podríamos sentarnos y preguntarnos y sentirnos mal unos por otros y culpar a muchas personas por lo que hicieron o por lo que no hicieron o por lo que no sabían. No lo sé. Supongo que siempre hay alguien a quien culpar.

Es diferente. Quizás es bueno poner las cosas en perspectiva, pero algunas veces, creo que la única perspectiva es realmente estar ahí. Porque está bien sentir. Yo estaba realmente allí. Y eso era suficiente para hacerme sentir infinito. Me siento infinito.”

— Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)

I Hate You.

Esta noche me he preguntado a mi mismo, si te odio. Me quede callado sin saber que responderme. Te odio?Te odio?. En mi debil mente permanecia constante esa pregunta, te odio?
Acaso te odie cuando mirabas indiferente mis ojos llenos de lagrimas aquella noches que suplique a tus labios decir esas palabras que tanto necesitaba

Te odie cuando maltratabas mi debil y demacrado cuerpo?, lo hice cuando tantas veces mi temblorosa mano buscaba timidamente la tuya, la cual se alejaba friamente? cuando mis labios tenian el fuego que solo los tuyos consumian, pero tu solo me alejabas indiferente
te odie cuando mi piel sentia la sed de una caricia y solo recibia un rasguño hiriente? Te odie cuando me dejaste solo tantas noches esperando en mi ventana buscando estrellas mensajeras que mi calor te llevaran? No hallo que responderme, sin quererme mentir veo mis heridas aun abiertas y sangrando, muerdo mi lengua y solo deseo tragarmela tratando de ignorar la pregunta que corroe mis pensamientos,te odio?

Es odio lo que siento cuando por azares de la vida pasas frente a mi..y me quedo en silencio mirandote tratando de detener el tiempo y guardar la imagen exacta de ese momento en mis recuerdos,Pero te alejas, volteas y me miras indifertente y mi mirada se entristece y mientras mas te alejas de mi vida, mas me pregunto si te odio, Te odio cada noche que paso en vela tratando de hallar explicaciones, que mi atrofiada mente no alcanza a encontrar, y masacro mi cuerpo tratando de pasar desapersivida de nuevo la pregunta, te odio?

Es realmente a ti a quien odio cuando veo entre las multitudes rostos sonrientes y al mirar un espejo veo solo la sombra cadaverica de una juventud robada, Revivo aquellos momentos que de rodillas vomitaba tus recuerdos y sigo preguntandome si te odio, me siento donde tantas noches pase feliz y de nuevo me pregunto si te odio, Lo hago cuando leo mis poemas inconclusos, mis cuentos sin final feliz, mis hojas manchadas de lagrimas y un sinfin de borradores que al no alcanzar a expresar mis sentimientos, rompo y aviento como si al quien aventara fuera a ti, Teniendo tantos recuerdos en mis pensamientos, solo hay una pregunta que atormenta mi existir, te odio?... Realmente te odio?? .....O a quien odio es  A MI?

Why Did i Fall In Love With You? - DBSK.

you- im getting married
me- i wish for your happiness
 you- goodbye

 Why did I fall in love with you? No matter how much time passed by I thought you'd still be right here
 But you ended up choosing a different path Why couldn't I reach through to you?
The feelings grow stronger everyday These overflowing words, even though understood...

...will never reach you again Since the first day I met you, I felt like I already knew you
We melted into each other so naturally No matter where we went, we were together You would always be there
We've grown up together But you ended up choosing a different path Why did I fall in love with you?

 No matter how much time passed by I thought you'd still be right here We can no longer go back This day,
 which holds a special meaning Today, you stood there with a happy expression You looked so beautiful,
praying to God Standing next to someone who's not me And recieving your blessings How am I supposed to let go of that?
 So, why did I fall in love with you? What we did during those days... I can't return to them any longer

I've thought it over and over... (can't return to them any longer)
 I've thought it over and over... Why couldn't I hold on to your hand? No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd always be by my side Just like how it used to be But,
even though you're no longer next to me I'll pray that you'll be happy for eternity No matter how lonely that would make me feel...

Gun Lae Gun - The Love Of Siam.

Si digo ke eskribi esta kancion para ti, me kreerias? Talvez no sea tan dulce, admirable o bella komo otras pero Kiero ke sepas ke una kancion d amor sin amor no se puede eskribir pero yo por ti puedo eskribirla facilmente. Talvez hayas eskuchado cientos o miles d kanciones d amor talvez te gusten pero su signifikado no es el mismo.

Pero si eskuchas esta kancion, esta kancion eskrita solo para ti. Si entiendes su signifikado nuestros korazones estaran juntos. Dja ke sea la kancion para nuestro kamino kon solo tu voz y la mia Y estar juntos para siempre.

Komo dice la frase d un poema mientras haya amor habra esperanzas, kada vez ke tu amor ilumina mi korazon tngo un dstino, hay muchas verdades en el amor pase mucho tiempo buskando su signifikado pero akabo d darme kuenta, kada vez ke te tengo cerka, ke si la vida es un ritmo tu eres la letra tan bella y admirable.


Untitled Book.

la portada de este libro muy valioso ke aun guardo para mi, se ha llenado d un polvo dificil d remover kada vez mas, mientras las manecillas del reloj van pasando muy lentamente. el fondo antes kolorido ahora tiene maticez d un frio gris komo kuando las nuves ocultan al sol y las gotas van enkontrado kamino abajo, su destino.
ya no se distinguen los rostros de ambas personas ke aparecen en ella, se les ha desfigurado el rostro y ese pekeño destello brilloso en los ojos ke hacian una pareja perfecta kon las hermosas sonrisas tambien se han ido desvanecido poko a poko, ahora se les dibuja un gesto d tristeza kon las miradas letargicas y bastante perdidas komo preparandose para soltar esas tibias lagrimas sostenidas por mucho tiempo.
las paginas antes blankas, han kedado amarillentas hasta volverse kasi transparentes y se han ido arrankando una por una irremediablemente hasta dejar el libro inconcluso y sin un final. kisiera poder entender el porke kuando trato d leerlas estan completamente vacias, no existe tinta alguna y me kausa gracia ke la firma del autor permanece intacta y por mas ke kiero borrarla sigue ahi aferrada pesar de todo.. sin embargo este libro ya se ke es lo kuenta pues lo eh interpretado ya 2 veces y es una historia ke jamas fue eskrita d algo ke no fue, ni sera.

Lonely - 2NE1.

song.The words I’m saying right now, I don’t know if they’ll hurt you
They’ll probably make you hate me forever
You, saying that I’m not the same as I used to be, is not completely untrue
This changed me is a stranger to myself as well
You are so kind but
That’s the way you are but oh
I don’t know I don’t know
Why I am like this
We were so in love, and you’re here now but oh
I don’t know
I want to find myself now

Baby I’m sorry, even when I’m with you, I’m Lonely
I must be lacking when it comes to love, please forgive this person horrible person I am
I’m sorry, this is your and my story
I must not be worthy of this thing called love, even though I’m by your side
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely

You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m the strange one
It seems I’ve already been prepared long ago, for our breakup
I really wanted to treat you well, out of all the times, why is it when I’m confronted by love
I am shrinking away & am lonely endlessly
You are so kind but
That’s the way you are but oh
I don’t know I don’t know
Why I am like this
We were so in love, and you’re here now but oh
I don’t know
I want to find myself now

Baby I’m sorry, even when I’m with you, I’m Lonely
I must be lacking when it comes to love, please forgive this person horrible person I am
I’m sorry, this is your and my story
I must not be worthy of this thing called love, even though I’m by your side
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely

Cuz I’m just another girl
This night is lonely, I
Can’t take any more, Good bye
Cuz I’m just another girl
I’m so lonely
Even though I’m by your side right now
Baby I’m so lonely
Lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely
Baby I’m so lonely lonely lonely


de esta semilla ke sembraste, salio una hermosa flor ke regue todo el tiempo, siempre me preguntaba porke le hechaba mucha agua y sin embargo nunka fue suficiente, krei poder yo solo pero para ser sincero si te necesitaba.
si tan solo la hubieras puesto donde le de unos rayitos mas de sol talvez aun hubiera brotado un pekeño kapullo pero ahora ya es tarde, solo me keda ver ke tan fragil ya se volvio y mirar inevitablemente komo van kayendo los petalos cafes marchitos uno tras otro.

Take a Bow - 2NE1 Cover.

song.Oh, how about a round of applause, yeah
A standing ovation
Ooooooh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show
Really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now (but it's over now)
Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone)
You better hurry up
Before the sprinklers come on (come on)
Talkin' bout'
Girl, I love you, you're the one
This just looks like a re-run
Please, what else is on (on)

Oh, and the award for
The best lie goes to you (goes to you)
For making me believe
That you could be faithful to me
Let's hear your speech, oh

How about a round of applause
A standing ovation

But you put on quite a show
Really had me going
Now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now (but it's over now)
Go on and take a bow
But it's over now 

Way Back Into Love - SNSD & SUJU.

song. I've been living with a shadow overhead I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love I can't make it through without a way back into love Oh oh oh

I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there There's got to be something for my somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
 Not just somebody just to get me through the night I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart again

I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
There are moments when I don't know if it's real Or if anybody feels the way I feel I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love And if I open my heart to you I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again You know that I'll be there for you in the end

I Cant Let You Go Even If i Die - 2AM.

Even though I'm young, the pain is the same Just because I don't know the world very well Doesn't mean that I don't know pain

Why do you lie, saying it'll be okay? How will my heart that hurts this much Be healed so easily? How will I live without you? That's why ICan't let you go, even if I die How am I suppose to let you go? Whether you go or leave, fix my heart If you can't fix it so that I won't be in pain So that I can at least live I wouldn't be able to live anyway I can't let you go, even if I dieNo matter how much you push me away I'll hold onto you until the end So that you won't be able to go anywhere

If you're really going to leave, then lieThat we should meet again tomorrow That we should meet as we smile If breaking up wasn't a joke, then I Can't let you go, even if I die How am I suppose to let you go? Whether you go or leave, fix my heart If you can't fix it so that I won't be in pain So that I can at least live I wouldn't be able to live anyway I can't let you go, even if I die
We went through so much time together How are you telling me to live by myself now? I can't do that, I can't

I can't let you go, even if I die I really can't let you go How am I suppose to let you go? I can't let you go Whether you go or leave, fix my heart If you can't fix it so that I won't be in pain So that I can at least live I wouldn't be able to live anyway I can't let you go, even if I die song.

Dont Wanna Try - Nichkhun cover.

song.i can't believe u had the nerve to say the things u said they hurt so bad that they ended our relationship i can't believe it ..4 years gone down the drain oh how i wish things would of happened so differently i try'd to save it so many times but you still couldn't see u kept insistin' and resistin' that u would not fall again and now ur tryin' to tell me that ur sorry and ur tryin' to come back home ur tellin' me u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor. but baby i don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more u keep insisting when u know our love is out the door don't wanna try don't wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things that hurt so bad to where we both begin to cry don't wanna try don't wanna try i 'bout just had enough its been a rough road baby just let it go don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more tell me whats the use of holdin' on when all we do is hurt our love u. and i had many conversations on the telephone talks about one day we having a place of our own wake up in the morning and have breakfast ready on the table but all of that just seems so far away from me had to wake up face reality it all just seem to good to be true after all you put me through and now ur tryin' to tell me that ur sorry and ur tryin' to come back home u tellin' me that u really need me crying beggin both knees are on the floor

To Amy.

cuando cerraste tus lindos ojitos el cielo se nublo. aunque no respires mas, se ke solo estas esperandome en un sueño profundo donde volvere a oir tu hermosa voz, mirar tus ojos y dejar ke tu sonrisa me devuelva la alegria ke me arrebataste al escaparte de mi, sin una despedida. te llame y solo habia silencio, te volvi a llamar y mas silencio, fue ahi cuando comence a extrañarte. descansa en paz.


sinceramente a una semana d tu partida, aun trato d enkontrar los calidos colores del arcoiris dspues d una fria tormenta, aun trato d enkontrar las estrellas en las noches largas sin luna, aun trato d enkontrar el aroma d las rosas.. pero como?.. si te lo has llevado todo contigo, ya nada es lo mismo sin ti.

Train Of Life.

La vida se asemeja a un viaje en tren. Con sus estaciones y cambios de vía, algunos accidentes, sorpresas agradables en algunos casos, y profundas tristezas en otros…
Al nacer, nos subimos al tren y nos encontramos con nuestros padres, creemos que siempre viajarán a nuestro lado… Pero en alguna estación ellos se bajarán dejándonos seguir el viaje, de pronto nos encontraremos sin su compañía y su amor irreemplazable...

No obstante, muchas otras personas que nos serán muy especiales y significativas, se irán subiendo al tren de nuestra vida... Nuestros hermanos, amigos y en algún momento, el amor de nuestra vida...
Algunos tomarán el tren, para realizar un simple paseo… Otros durante su viaje pasarán por momentos de oscuridad y tristeza… Y siempre encontraremos quienes estén dispuestos ayudar a los más necesitados…

Muchos al bajar, dejan un vacío permanente… otros pasan tan desapercibidos que ni siquiera nos damos cuenta que desocuparon sus asientos...
Es curioso ver como algunos pasajeros, aún los seres queridos, se acomodan en coches distintos al nuestro… Durante todo el trayecto están separados, sin que exista ninguna comunicación…

Pero en realidad, nada nos impide que nos acerquemos a ellos si existe buena voluntad de nuestra parte… De lo contrario, puede ser tarde y encontraremos a otra persona en su lugar…
El viaje continúa, lleno de desafíos, sueños, fantasías, alegrías, tristezas, esperas y despedidas...
Tratemos de tener una buena relación con todos los pasajeros, buscando en cada uno, lo mejor que tengan para ofrecer. En algún momento del trayecto, ellos podrán titubear y probablemente precisaremos entenderlos… pero recordemos que nosotros también, muchas veces, titubeamos y necesitamos a alguien que nos comprenda.

El gran misterio para todos, es que no sabremos jamás en qué estación nos toca bajar. Como tampoco dónde bajarán nuestros compañeros de viaje, ni siquiera el que está sentado a nuestro lado.
A veces pienso en el momento en el que me toque bajar del tren. ¿Sentiré nostalgia, temor, alegría, angustia...? Separarme de los amigos que hice en el viaje, será doloroso y dejar que mis hijos sigan solos, será muy triste. Pero me aferro a la esperanza de que en algún momento, tendré la gran emoción de verlos llegar a la estación principal con un equipaje que no tenían cuando iniciaron su viaje.

Lo que me hará feliz, será pensar que colaboré para que ellos crecieran y permanecieran en este tren hasta la estación final.
Amigos…hagamos que nuestro viaje en este tren tenga significado, que haya valido la pena.
“Vivamos de manera que cuando llegue el momento de desembarcar, nuestro asiento vacío, deje lindos recuerdos a los que continúan viajando en el Tren de la Vida

Andrea the warrior - The Walking Dead.

Andrea fue primero debil pero se convirtio en guerrera y despues una pacifista, es ironico que al chico que saco de las garras y manipulacion del gobernador la haya mordido y empujado al suicidio para que no se convirtiera en zombie. 
Porque las cosa malas le pasan alas personas buenas? Si hubiera dejado a ese chico pendejo como estaba o si hubiera matado al puto gober en todas las oportunidades que tuvo y no tuvo el valor talvez aun seguiria viva
Creo ya no sera lo mismo en TWD pero espero con ansias la 4 temporada para ver como se vengan del maldito gobernador. Grrr hahaha